Category WordSmithing

Waking Thought

My waking thought is of you At that moment when The misty cloud of slumber clears My eyes open, and In drowsy dawn of consciousness I know who I am, You dwell in my nascent thought This I comprehend.


I wonder why my fingers choose to linger Long on the keyboard after it’s time to say goodbye, Just one more line, another word to tender Into the chat that links us with a tie Of text, and pics and… Continue Reading →

A Place

  There’s a place beneath my arm that fits you well, A void at my side impressed, that none but your Form can fill. You by my side, I revel In joy. So hours and days my heart inure. There’s… Continue Reading →

Tell Me That You Love Me

Tell me that you love me, I need to hear Those words as your heart’s address to me. I do not mean to just say them. They are not mere Words to be uttered just as sounds, blithely To light… Continue Reading →

I Love You

I love you more than the sum of all my yesterdays I love you now more than all my imagined tomorrows Yet I know that tomorrow I shall love you more I love you more than I ever dared to… Continue Reading →


If death is naught but parting with a friend, That voices cease be heard and faces seen, A cruel wedge that wrenches man from man, And leaves a memory as tangible as wind. That taunts my mind, but flees my… Continue Reading →

Home Town Far Away

There is a place where I must go, A land across the sea A place that more than all I know Is calling out to me … Beyond the white-nailed clawing waves, A land where nights to us are days,… Continue Reading →

Lament of a Poem Made Too Plain

I sit by roadsides, a naked dame Exhibited ‘neath glaring lights of city streets — Undressed, disrobed, a broad without a name For nameless men devoid of love, with passing needs To come unthinking, and go satisfied away. You who… Continue Reading →

Poet’s Dilemma

A pen! A pen! The woeful poet needs to write, Let this trembling grasping hand Take hold that rod of might, That I with all my eloquence, My deepest thoughts inscribe — That I may bleed a thread of blue… Continue Reading →

Ode to Winter Morning’s Warmth

The welcome heat of winter’s morn descends Upon the deep, dark cauldron of the night Whose flames of cold, and lapping tongues of chill Consume the green, and leave an ash of white — Like an eerie child the night… Continue Reading →

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